Archivi tag: el badi


El Badi Palace (sometimes spelled El Badiî or El Badia, literally “palace of the incomparable”) is an architectural complex built in the late 16th century and located in Marrakech, Morocco. Former palace, it was built by the Saadian sultan Ahmed al-Mansur Dhahbi to celebrate the victory over the Portuguese army, in 1578, in the battle of the Three Kings with more than 300 rooms decorated with the best materials of the time: gold, turquoise and crystal. Today, only a huge sculpted garden remains, sprinkled with orange trees and surrounded by high walls. The decline of the palace came at the end of the 17th century, when Sultan Moulay Ismail decided to move the capital of Marrakech to Meknes, completely sacking the El Badi Palace.

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